Greeting and Salutations.

Welcome to what is hoped to be the beginning of your Better Food journey. My Name is Chef Scott. I am an American Culinary Federation Certified Executive Chef, (CEC) and a graduate of the University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute. I have been in the food industry my entire life. I was actually born into the food industry. My grandfather owned a meat packing plant in the south side of Chicago. Subsequently, my father was a butcher by trade. I began working in the restaurant industry at the age of 14 and never looked back. Throughout the years, I have been infatuated with food in its entirety. When interested in a new dish, style or culture of cooking, I do my best to research the very lineage of the dish, food or style of cooking involved. It is amazing to see how some of the simplest of foods in our lives today materialized. That being said, it is also both enlightening and shocking to uncover what we as a society and culture have accepted as “normal” eating habits.

The title of this site is Cessational Food. The word Cessational is actually not a word but more than an idea. It is a play on the word Cessation witch is the process of being brought to an end and Death is the cessation of all biological functions. It is my observation that we, as a society and culture, have accepted these food ideals into our lives without even knowing. Most of our food issues were brought on by ourselves and the need of society for certain food items such as chicken. Without the demand for any and all chicken products, there may not be the enormous amount of growth hormones and unnatural ingredients in the product itself. So, Cessational Food is food which is both designed by and accepted by ourselves to actually slowly destroy ourselves.

This site was created to, hopefully, be a vessel of discussion and discovery into food enlightenment. I, by no means, am the know all expert on this or any subject and invite any and all discussions for a better food lifestyle.